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Test Webhooks

  1. Use the Stripe CLI to login to your Stripe account
stripe login

This will print a URL to navigate to in your browser and provide access to your Stripe account

  1. Next, in a separate terminal, start local webhook forwarding:
stripe listen --forward-to=

Running this Stripe command will print a webhook secret (such as, whsec_***) to the console. Set STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET to this value in your .env file.

  1. In another terminal, run the local supabase server. See Local Supabase Setup for more information.
supabase functions serve --env-file .env --import-map supabase/functions/deno.json
  1. Now local webhooks should be working!

One way to test to see if everything is working is by running stripe fixtures. This will prepopulate test products and prices into stripe.

stripe fixtures nextjs/fixtures/stripe-fixtures.json

Now check your supabase local dashboard (http://localhost:54323/project/default/editor) and see if new rows have been populated